
15th March 2020

Some Suggestions for Community Self-Help in the Virus Crisis

These suggestions have been prepared for general use and especially for the vulnerable in society such as those with heart/lung disorders, the elderly (over 60s) and immune-suppressed, for example, those on chemotherapy. Check your neighbours, particularly the elderly and/or vulnerable. Minimise exposure by avoiding public transport, public gatherings and groups of people (e.g. in pubs, restaurants and places of worship). […]
28th January 2019

Successful Resolution!

Although the shortest day has passed, winter days remain dreich and gloomy and the winter bills are looming large as we hit the anti-climax to the festive season. Many of us now feel low, dispirited and in the doldrums as we count the costs of festive over-indulgence. This is the time of year that we turn again to that age-old […]